The program
Scientific matters
breathing, conception, life and birth physiology
Dr. Gino Soldera – psychologist and psychotherapist
Dr.ssa Anna Zanardi – psychologist and psychotherapist
Pedagogic and pre and perinatal area
the uniqueness of the project of life
the organic memory of conception: the energetic scheme contain the ego definition.
the conception and his relations with projects and existence choices.
the intrauterine life: the first model of relation and the connection of actual period of change and development.
The birth and his influence in the separation, change and autonomy moments.
The birth and the personality: how various type of childbirth can influence the behavior.
Post-natal nutrition and his influence on the relations between food and money.
The prenatal life, the birth and the consequences on the affective relations.
The pre and perinatal scene study and its interpretation.
Teacher: Antonio Valmaggia
Professional and practical area
The breathe mastery of body and mind
Rebirthing lab in water or dry-stone
The conscious and guided use of breathe and energy
Breathing reading and correction through analysis of body and emotional feelings
Practice of the individual session in a cross supervision
Active exercises of consciousness and integration (single,in couple or group)
Technical, imaginative and relaxing meditations
Thought conscious: working on convictions
Ethic and conduct professional code and legal, logistics and fiscal aspects.
Rebirthing and Prenatal education imagines and functions
Teacher: Antonio Valmaggia
Cultural and metaphysical area
Rebirthing history, philosophy, art and science
Life as a work of art: freedom and ability of change although and thanks to the past
Rebirthing and Prenatal education: a new culture to change the world; a spiritual education course to life and conception
Forgiveness and spiritual recovery; the myth of physical immortality
The past lives: reality or metaphor of mnemonic data registered in mind in genetics way?
Teacher: Antonio Valmaggia
Course Didactic Methodology:
Frontal introduction lesson with video and slides projection, active exercises of consciousness and integration (single, in couple or group), meditations, imaginative and relaxing techniques, conscious breathing experience.